Kids with autism read to cats

Plants might like your singing, but these cats will like your reading: Kids with autism read to cats

Jul 25, 2019 | 7:30 AM

PRINCE GEORGE–Singing to plants might make them grow, but reading to cats will make them purr.

Melissa Garner, Executive Director at the PG Humane Society says that cats purring has been exactly what’s been going on before hours at the Society. Before they open their doors to the public, the PG Humane Society is opening its doors to children with autism to read to the furry felines.

Garner says the idea to allow kids with autism to come in and read to the cats was kick started by a mother and her son with autism who have been coming in for several months. The pair has been coming in before hours when it’s quiet and easier to focus on reading without the distraction of the general public.

Garner says the boy’s mother has seen and heard an improvement in his reading, even finding that he reads for longer periods of time. Now, Garner wants to open this up to more families with kids with autism. She is hoping to have the families come in on Thursday mornings at 10 am, with a book and ready to read to the cats.