Is It Time For Spring Cleaning?

Apr 13, 2018 | 2:53 PM

PRINCE GEORGE- Mother Nature is slowly showing us signs of Spring, which means it’s time to start thinking about the “big clean”. Instead of throwing away your old things this year, there are a number of places to recycle in the community. The Recycling and Environmental Action Planning Society says old electronics and appliances should be diverted from the landfill and recycled if they’re no longer in working order. “They’re a hazard to the environment. There are lots of chemicals in there, there are metals in there that we can salvage or reuse, there are plastics in there that can be reused,” said REAPS Executive Director, Terri McClymont. She added those electronics can be recycled at depots in the city.

As you purge other items, like clothes and small household goods, consider bringing them to a thrift shop or donation bin. They directly help organizations within the community. “We actually take them to Value Village where we receive a portion of their value and that portion goes to support other programs within AimHi,” said AimHi Common Goods marketing consultant, Shaun Bargy. AimHi employees will also come straight to your door if you contact the Common Goods program.