CNC Gets A Greenhouse

Mar 21, 2018 | 10:05 AM

PRINCE GEORGE – The Culinary Arts program at the College of New Caledonia has a new tool at the students’ disposal.
Tucked away in the corner of the kitchens at CNC is an odd looking contraption. The mysterious piece of equipment is the latest in greenhouse technology on a small scale. But, lifting the lid, you see inside microgreens growing, alongside lettuce and other leafy greens. The Culinary Arts program is incorporating growing food as part of the program and the students are learning where their food actually comes from.

“I think it’s very good that people know how they get their product, where it comes from; not just going to Save On or Superstore and picking up a head of lettuce or picking up some greens,” says Ron Christian, Head Chef for the Culinary Arts program. “You ask, ‘Where’d you get them? From Save On.’  Here you put it is the garden, you grow it. There’s a little bit of satisfaction for yourself growing what you’re eating.”

Ultimately Christian would like to see the greenhouse project expand in order to grow food all yer round. 

“We purchased this one here to grow a little bit to show what can be done with it. Our intent is to have a much, much larger one, 30 [feet] across by 80 or 90 feet deep.”