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New Calming Room

‘Spirit Day’ raises money for mental health initiative

May 2, 2019 | 7:58 PM

PRINCE GEORGE— The Spirit of the North Healthcare Foundation’s annual Spirit Day has raised money for diagnostic equipment for UHNBC and the Northern B.C. region.

“Nothing we do could be done if it wasn’t for the generosity of our donors and people in the community in general.” Judy Neiser

Money raised from Spirit Day goes towards to an area where health specialists and even people in the community believe there’s a need for more funding. The third annual Spirit Day will donate 100% of proceeds to a project which will work alongside mental health services.

Spirit of the North Healthcare Foundation CEO Judy Neiser says many people in the community have reached out for more mental health initiatives.

“It’s sometimes community driven,” Neiser says. “Sometimes it’s actually the fact that there’s a clear need for some piece of equipment or some service that previously hasn’t been offered here. We do work very closely, and in all honesty, nothing we do could be done if it wasn’t for the generosity of our donors and people in the community in general.”

Spirit Day proceeds will go towards a calming room at UHNBC. The main purpose of the calming room is to provide a gentle option for mental escape in a safe and secure environment. Benefits of a calming room include increasing the ability for patients to self-nurture, increasing the ability for patients to engage in social acitivities, and helping patients deal with triggers they may have.

The Spirit of the Northcare Healthcare Foundation’s goal for this year’s Spirit day is to raise $70,000. Donations will be accepted until 7 p.m.

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