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Planned power outage shocks business owner

May 22, 2019 | 3:14 PM

PRINCE GEORGE – BC Hydro is the midst of upgrading some electrical transformers across the province. To replace the transformers it requires turning off the power. For Mike Godfrey owner of Budget Brake & Muffler Auto Centre says the timing of the work will cost him thousands of dollars. Godfrey, received a notice in the mail from BC Hydro, stating there will be a scheduled power outage on Wednesday, May 29th between 9:30 am and noon. A time that does not work well when running a small business. He would like BC Hydro to re-think its scheduled outages when it comes to small businesses. As some small businesses affected are not in a position to absorb a loss in revenue. So why the planned outage? BC Hydro says one of the transformers in the area is starting to age and replacing it is a proactive move.According to BC Hydro, the outage planned for next Wednesday is still scheduled to occur. Businesses that may be involved in future planned outages are encouraged to call BC Hydro and share their concerns.

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