Results released

City releases alternative approval process results

Jun 5, 2019 | 3:54 PM

PRINCE GEORGE — The City of Prince George has released the results of the alternative approval process it activated earlier this year.

Back on February 25, City Council gave first three readings to 11 loan bylaws requiring elector approval for the long-term borrowing of funds for equipment financing and for capital projects deemed essential to maintaining and enhancing important civic infrastructure.

For long-term borrowing, local governments must obtain the approval of electors. The provincial government provides municipalities with two ways to obtain the approval of electors for long-term borrowing: a referendum or the alternative approval process.

City Council chose the alternative approval process to be undertaken for each of the bylaws, with a deadline of May 30 for electors to submit an elector response form in opposition to one or more of the bylaws.

Approval of the electors for an individual bylaw is obtained if the number of valid Elector Response forms received is less than 10 per cent of the number of electors. In Prince George, 10 per cent of the city’s 55,455 electors is 5,546.

The City of Prince George received the following number of valid Elector Response Forms for each proposed bylaw:

  1. Equipment Financing Bylaw No. 9007, 2019: 2,913
  2. Mausoleum Expansion Phase 2 Bylaw No. 9008, 2019: 2,825
  3. Civic Facility Roofs Replacements 2019 – 2022 Bylaw No. 9009, 2019: 2,850
  4. Aquatic Centre Renewal and Upgrade Bylaw No. 9010, 2019: 2,901
  5. Masich Stadium Amenities Refurbish Bylaw No. 9011, 2019: 2,903
  6. Ron Brent Park Redevelopment Phase 2 & 3 Bylaw No. 9012, 2019: 2,967
  7. 14th Avenue Upgrades (Irwin Street to Freeman Street) Bylaw No. 9013, 2019: 2,897
  8. Domano and St. Lawrence Signalization Bylaw No. 9014, 2019: 2,756
  9. Highway 16 West Frontage – Heyer Road to Henry Road Bylaw No. 9015, 2019: 2,795
  10. Goose Country Road Culvert Replacement Bylaw No. 9016, 2019: 2,850
  11. Critical Street Light and Traffic Signal Replacement Bylaw No. 9017, 2019: 2,797

Given that the City did not receive elector response forms surpassing 10 per cent of the total number of electors, the City says electoral approval has been achieved and each bylaw will be considered for final reading and adoption by Council during its June 10 meeting.

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