Courtesy of Kitimat RCMP
Dynamite found on worksite

A box of dynamite from the 1960’s was found at a worksite in Kitimat

Jun 13, 2019 | 1:42 PM

KITIMAT–An old box of explosives were found at a construction worksite Wednesday, June 12.

Crew workers discovered the explosives and called RCMP just before 6pm. Kitmat RCMP along with BC RCMP Explosives Unit attended the scene before stabilizing the material and disposing of them.

“The crew did the right thing by not handling the material. Old explosives that have been subject to moisture are extremely unstable and unpredictable. Should you come across something that appears to be explosives, do not handle it. Leave it where it is and contact the police immediately.” –Cst. Fink, Kitimat RCMP

The box is said to potentially have been from the 1960’s and was left and forgotten under the boulder it was found under.