back to school sleep routine

TYH: Back to school sleep routines

Aug 27, 2019 | 5:01 PM

Summer is basically at a wrap, and for a lot of families that means school is right around the corner. And school usually means getting back into a regular sleep schedule.

This week we spoke to some UNBC researchers and a professor to find out why sleep is so important, especially for the young mind.

“Good and healthy sleep is really important, it helps you with many of your bodies activities, and your routines…it will help in relation to your learning and your behaviour, your concentration,” said Caroline Sanders, an Associate Professor of UNBC’s School of Nursing.

She mentions that lack of sleep can cause, not only tiredness, but hyperactivity as well, both resulting in a lack of concentration and therefore the inability to learn. Sanders highlights that there is ” no magic number” when it comes to hours a child should sleep, however there is a recommended amount: children ages 5-13 are recommended to get 9-11 hours of sleep and teens ages 14-17 are recommended to get 8-10 hours.