Too Close

West Coast Olefins meets opposition

Sep 5, 2019 | 5:00 PM

PRINCE GEORGE – West Coast Olefins proponents have just returned to the city after meeting with political leaders and BC Environmental Assessment to push for their petrochemical plant at the south end of the BCR Industrial site.

“I’ve talked to people from the Liberal Party, I’ve talked to people from the NDP Party. I’ve even talked to [Green Party Leader] Andrew Weaver,” said Ken James with West Coast Olefins. “They’re all focussed on ‘If we’re going to have energy, if we’re ever going to have any resource development, how do we maximize the value-added component?'”

He says he also talked with BC Assessment about how much more in the public interest the local project is, compared to one proposed for the Peace Country by Enbridge.

But there is opposition to the project. “It’s absolute madness to consider placing it so close to home. It’s too close,” said Dr. Marie Hay, who has launched a Facebook group called “Too Close 2 Home” to set out what she sees as the risks. ” There is so much evidence about the contamination of the air, wate and land surrounding these petrochemical and plastic plants.”