Mountain Biking

Tourism PG launches new page highlighting mountain biking

Sep 6, 2019 | 12:00 PM

A new page on the Tourism Prince George website has been launched to highlight the growing sport of mountain biking in the community.

The page provides riders information regarding all of the trails in Prince George and along the Highway 16 corridor, and features an extensive library of photos and video.

“Mountain biking is huge for us here in the North,” stated CEO of Tourism Prince George Erica Hummel.

“We have been developing content over the last few years. Getting great photos, bringing mountain bikers up here, taking videos, and now we just wanted to showcase all of the great work which we have been doing.”

Despite mountain biking being a niche activity, Hummel adds the sport sees bikers of all ages riding the trails in the area.

“The demographics are getting a little bit older. People that are in their 40’s are getting really great bikes. They are spending 3-4 thousand dollars on their bikes and they are taking it up. Sometimes it’s a group of women on a getaway together and sometimes it’s a group of guys going out. So there are lots of different demographics taking it on.”

A link to the new page can be found here.

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