Liberty is suffering from a ruptured eye and needs surgery to have it removed. (Courtesy of the BC SPCA)
$1,825 needed to cover medical costs for Liberty

BC SPCA asking for help in surgery for kitten with ruptured eye

Sep 10, 2019 | 12:54 PM

FORT ST.JOHN– The BC SPCA’s North Peace Branch is asking for the public’s help with medical costs of a kitten.

Seven week old kitten, Liberty is suffering from injuries from a life on the streets. A ruptured eye that occurred due to untreated respiratory symptoms and a lack of vaccinations.

The SPCA says Liberty requires an enucleation–a surgery to remove the damaged eye. The seven week old is also suffering from plugged ears caused by ear mites, small wounds on her body and malnourishment. According to the SPCA, Liberty is believed to be able to make a full recovery, “she just has to put a bit of weight on prior to surgery,” said Candace Buchamer the SPCA’s North Peace branch manager.

Liberty came from a feral cat colony where population numbers were being managed through a trap, neuter and return (TNR) program. An increase in the number of unwanted cats being dumped increased the colony’s numbers this year. The colony manager brought Liberty and her siblings to the SPCA as soon as they could trap her. Sadly, one of her siblings was too far gone with two ruptured eyes and needed to be euthanized to end his suffering. Her other sibling was rescued in time to save both of his eyes but will also require extra care and medication to recover.