Enough is enough

Downtown shopkeeper assaulted

Oct 24, 2019 | 3:11 PM

PRINCE GEORGE – Enough is enough.

That’s the sentiment of one downtown business owner who was punched in the face when she tried to stop a shoplifter from leaving her store with stolen goods. It’s not the first time Kate Roxburgh has had to deal with thieves and break in’s, but this time she’d had enough. But it earned her a right hook to the face and she sports a scar across the bridge of the nose to show it.

She says a customer was in the store and on the phone with the detachment, but Roxburgh told police not to bother.

“Nothing ever changes,” she says, throwing her hands in the air. “The system is set up that a person will either be arrested or not or have a finger shaken at them and they’re back on the street doing exactly what they do with another business. And we deal with this every day. We deal with drugs in the back alley. You walk out the back door and you’re worried about your safety because there are four people shooting up outside my back door. There are needles everywhere.”

She says the City offers incentives to get businesses downtown, to get people living in the downtown, but then leaves those businesses to hang when their customers no longer come to the store in fear for their safety. And she has a message for the City.

“Do something. Get off your as***es and do something. The forums are done. The feedback is done. We have done our job to help the City identify exactly what the issue is and you have done nothing.”

In fact, this latest incident has had the opposite of the City’s desired effect.

“That night I went home and I put my business up for sale.”

She says she has no interest any longer in having anxiety attacks every time she heads to work.

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