St. FX to review Mulroney plaque after complaint it’s offensive to tradespeople
ANTIGONISH, N.S. — The president of St. Francis Xavier University has apologized to those offended by a plaque in the Brian Mulroney Institute of Government that includes a quote from the former prime minister’s father.
The quote, based on a conversation Mulroney had with his father Benedict in 1955, reads: “The only way out of a paper mill town is through a university door.”
At the time, a young Mulroney was planning to seek an apprenticeship at the mill in Baie-Comeau, Que., where his father worked as electrician — but the elder Mulroney was opposed to the idea and encouraged his son to attend St. FX.
Brian Mulroney, who graduated from the university in 1959, recalled the conversation in speeches he delivered when plans for the institute were announced in October 2016 and again last September when the facility was officially opened.