which is best for you

Keto. vs Mediterranean diets explained

Jan 20, 2020 | 3:06 PM

PRINCE GEORGE–Keto v.s Mediterranean.

Both diets made it onto the US News and World Report’s best overall diets for 2020. The Mediterranean placed first, and the popular keto diet ranked 34th out of 35 diets.

“I think the Ketogenic diet is really popular right now, so it’s a bit surprising in that way that it is so low on the list,” said Beth Oehler, a Registered Dietitian.

The two diets are very different, the Mediterranean one revolves around a more plant-based diet with fish, some poultry and small amounts of red meat. The versatility of the diet allows for it to be categorized as a less restrictive diet.

“The Mediterranean diet as we know it started probably in the 1950’s or 60’s when nutrition researchers in the Mediterranean region started to notice that people there seemed to have a lower incidence of cardiovascular disease,”–Beth Oehler

Oehler mentions that the Mediterranean diet also focuses on the relationship with and around food, “the Mediterranean diet also includes some of the how of eating, not only what. So in the Mediterranean region, we think people really enjoy their cooking, they take time to cook, they take time to eat with family and friends.”

The Keto diet almost cuts out carbohydrates from a diet, while concentrating on filling up on fats instead. The lack of carbohydrates forces your body to break down both dietary and stored body fat, which contributes to the popularity of the diet–weight loss. This diet can be seen as restrictive due to the inability to eat enough from all of the food groups.

“The Keto diet first started in the early 1900’s, it was originally a diet that was discovered to help children that had seizure disorders to experience fewer symptoms,”–Beth Oehler

Regardless of the diet, Oehler says she encourages people to get in tune with their bodies and to “notice which foods make (you) feel the best.” To notice when you feel hungry and when you feel full, rather than following a set diet plan.

When it came to health the Keto diet was rated 1.8/5 while the Mediterranean diet was rated at 4.8/5. They both ranked 3/5 when it came to weight loss.

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