Photo Courtesy: Province of British Columbia, Flickr
COVID Update

Three weeks with no new cases of COVID-19 in NH, 26 new cases in B.C.

Jun 29, 2020 | 3:16 PM

VICTORIA—Three weeks with no new cases of COVID-19 in the Northern Health region.

The north continues to remain at 65 test-positive cases, however a new community outbreak in Vancouver may serve as a reminder to those in northern communities to keep their bubbles small and track where they go.

Cases by Health Region:

  • Vancouver Coastal Health: 979
  • Fraser Health: 1,529
  • Vancouver Island Health: 131
  • Interior Health: 200
  • Northern Health: 65

Over the weekend there was a confirmed outbreak of the virus at Brandi’s Exotic Show Lounge in Vancouver, prompting B.C. Health Officer, Dr. Bonnie Henry to remind British Columbians to keep their circle’s small.

“One slip is all we need to cause a significant rebound.”—Dr. Bonnie Henry, B.C. Provincial Health Officer

Dr. Henry asking British Columbians to pay attention to where they go incase someone tests positive for the virus allowing you to track if where you went and if you may have come in contact with the infected.

Provincially B.C.’s Provincial Health Officer and Health Minister reported 26 new cases of the virus since Friday.

The new cases puts B.C. at a total of 2,904 of test positive cases of COVID-19, 153 of those are active cases. 18 people are in hospital, with 5 people in ICU.

No new deaths were reported in the province.

No new outbreaks in the health care system were reported today leaving a total of six active cases, five in longterm care and one in acute care. 386 total residents have been affected by the virus since the start of the pandemic, and 229 staff.

2,577 people have recovered from COVID-19.

Photo Courtesy: Province of British Columbia, Flickr.

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