Pandemic Polling

Concerns over polling stations in schools during pandemic

Sep 22, 2020 | 4:05 PM

PRINCE GEORGE – The election has been called for October 24, which falls on a Saturday. In the middle of a pandemic, with schools already following their own strict health and safety guidelines, how are they dealing with the added constraints?

Elections BC outlines measures they are taking to ensure safe voting during the pandemic on their website. Some of those measures have already been implemented by public health authorities, including physical distancing, wearing masks, and making hand sanitizer available.

Today, Dr. Bonnie Henry and the Chief Electoral Officer, Anton Boegman addressed concerns about safely voting during the pandemic.

Boegman compared voting in this election to being like getting a coffee, or going to the grocery store. Elections BC’s website lists physical distancing measures will be taken, and there will be a capacity limit in polling stations.

Joanne Hapke, President of the Prince George District Teachers’ Association, has concerns over the increased traffic that schools will see now that they are being called on to double as polling stations.

Hapke says, “there’s rules for visitors entering the building. So now we’re looking at an election, and hopefully thousands of people attending polling stations.”

She says, “But also, the number of people who will be entering that polling station, there will need to be a deep clean.”

Elections BC says on their website that their safety measures also include frequent cleaning of voting stations, although it is unclear if election staff will assume responsibility of this or if school staff will.

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