Mail Mishap

PG couple receives anniversary letter from Queen Elizabeth II with wrong names, hoping to connect with other family

Sep 26, 2020 | 5:23 PM

PRINCE GEORGE — Special messages are sent out to Canadians each year from the Office of the Governor General celebrating milestones and achievements. With so many documents, it’s only natural for mistakes to happen and now two of Prince George’s longest-standing lovebirds hope to connect with the other couple involved in the mixup.

A letter from the Queen of England and Canada’s Governor General arrived just after Gerald and Hennie Cook’s 60th wedding anniversary on August 20. Everything was in order with the envelope and Governor General’s letter, however, the note from the Queen instead read Robert and Audrey Cook. Hennie recently took to social media to see if anyone could help find the right Cook couple.

“If we could get this to Robert and Audrey, that’s why I reached out more than anything. If you’ve got ours and we’ve got yours, let’s just exchange them,” Hennie explained.

In reaching out for comment from the Office of the Governor General, they apologized to everyone affected – saying while these messages are an important role of the Governor General’s office, sometimes mistakes do happen. But assures both couples will receive a corrected message.

Gerald and Hennie say they also received letters from Justin Trudeau and Shirley Bond for their diamond anniversary. The pair met when he was 18 and she was 15, working together at the Hudson’s Bay store in Hazelton. Now, 64 years later, it begs the question: how do you make it this long? The two laughed, “Lots of mistakes, lots of forgiveness. But you get to a point where he has my back and I have his back, and it’s all good.”

The Cooks say a new letter with their correct names should be delivered this week.

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