BC Lumber Trade Council mixed on DOC decision

Nov 24, 2020 | 4:00 PM

PRINCE GEORGE – “It’s a move in the right direction.”

That’s the reaction from the BC Lumber Trade Council to a U.S. Commerce Department review of the duties paid by Canadian softwood lumber producers shipping to the States.

Most mills in Canada have been paying duties of more than 20% for the past 18 months. The DOC review has adjusted those duties to 8.99%.

“With this decision today, what we will have is duty rates, on average, of 8.99%. That’s a significant drop. We think the drop should be to zero,” says Susan Yurkovich, CEO for the Council.

Earlier this summer the World Trade Organization ruled U.S. Department of Commerce and U.S. International Trade Commission incorrectly benchmarked Canadian timber prices in their calculation of stumpage fees.

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