Sheldon Clare speaks to CKPG regarding new censorship

Firearms association now censored by The National Security and Public Safety Committee

Feb 23, 2021 | 2:44 PM

The National Firearms Association and its President,Sheldon Clare have come under fire, with the Federal government for inflammatory comments regarding the Trudeau government’s recent gun control legislation.

Now, according to the president, the comment was in no way a threat to anyone in government.

“I had a call from a person today, who suggested revisiting our old woodworking and metalworking skills and construct guillotines again.”

That comment sparked major attention from the feds, who immediately took action, and the national security and public safety committee unanimously passed a motion Monday condemning the association’s response to the gun bill, with the support of Liberal, Bloc Quebecois, and New Democrat members.

According to Clare, his comment wasn’t well-received by some

” This seems to have caught the attention of one of our trolls on the page, who is a member of parliament named Pam Damoff. She is a regular visitor to our NFA Talk broadcast, we’re able to see who comes and visits us”

The conversation was in regards to how angry people are and in turn asking what can be done.

“People are really mad now, they are really disappointed, people are hopping mad and they want to do something, I am getting emails from people, let’s do a march you and let’s storm the capitol blah blah blah and I am going don’t waste your time.” – Charles Zach, Executive Director

Liberal MP Damoff quickly put forth a motion to the national security and public safety committee.

“The National Firearm Association took to their show NFA Talk, where extremely dangerous words were uttered. This video now has almost 7-thousand views. My motion today seeks to have our committee condemn this behavior.”

The motion was passed on Monday, condemning the association’s response to the gun bill. Clare says, there were no threats made to anyone in the federal government and the words were twisted.

” Using a motion where she spliced up some of the comments, took things out of context, and managed to use her position on the committee to have a motion supported by those liberals and other members present.”

However, four Conservative committee members abstained. Including Conservative MP Shannon Stubbs who said her party takes threats against politicians “extremely seriously

“Even in the motion that we are debating right now, the comments there are key comments missing” ” My view would be, I think that conservatives certainly don’t believe that a parliamentary community ought to be used as a judge, jury, and condemnation of comments made by individual Canadians or organizations that may or may not be taken out of context”

Liberal committee chair John McKay told Stubbs that the authorities have in fact been informed about Clare’s comments. But, according to Clare, As of right now, they have not been contacted by anyone.

With files from the Canadian Press

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