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Human remains delay Quesnel hospital addition

Apr 16, 2021 | 4:18 PM

QUESNEL- Northern Health has confirmed the completion of the addition to G.R. Baker Memorial Hospital in Quesnel will be delayed into 2022.

The delay is due to the discovery of human remains at the site back in March 2020, the Northern Health website states:

“The remains have been subject to osteological review and these remains have been determined to be quite old, and considered archeological (not current). As per First Nations community directive – the remains have been reburied on-site with full observation of local oversight, protocols, and involvement of appropriate individuals.”

The current stage of construction involves detailed excavation, while the steel structure which will support the building envelope is constructed off-site.

The delivery of the steel structure is expected this summer, while the full construction is expected to be complete with the building operational by mid-2022.

The addition will see the redevelopment of the ICU and critical care area which involves improved patient flow for the Emergency Department.

The initial completion was expected in 2021.

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