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Nusdeh Yoh

Morning drumming becomes pandemic legacy at Nusdeh Yoh

Jun 17, 2021 | 4:34 PM

PRINCE GEORGE – At Nusdeh Yoh Elementary, there are no morning bells anymore, instead only drumming, singing, and dancing.

The drumming was part of a pandemic legacy, born thanks to indoor gathering restrictions.

Instead of gathering inside, kids now gather socially distanced outside and start the morning off with an indigenous song.

The songs have been rotating throughout the year, a number of different First Nations across the province in both Cree and Dakelh.

The kids who drummed on Thursday morning described the experience as something that made them happy, and excited.

Principal, Liza Arnold says the experience has been one of her favourite parts of the school, and something that will continue for many school years to come.

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