Rules homeowners should be aware of before watering their lawns

Jun 29, 2021 | 3:17 PM

PRINCE GEORGE–With this heatwave, many of us might also be concerned about our lawns. But in the city of Prince George, there some restrictions in place to make sure that there’s enough water to go around.

Record breaking temperatures, staying cool and hydrated is a top priority. But, so may be our lawn’s health. It’s important to consider how much water is being used to make sure there’s enough to go around. Whether that’s turning off the tap while brushing your teeth, running the laundry machine at full load, or limiting shower times to a minimum, there’s many ways to save water.

But we also need to consider how we use water outside our homes We all want our grass to look as a green as possible, but here in the city of Prince George there are some rules you have to follow.

The city has a few restrictions in place that apply year-round for watering your lawn. These restrictions were in place as part of a 10-year water conservation plan that the city approved in 2016.

In Prince George, homeowners can only water their lawns on specific days and times.

If your house address is an even number, you can water on even days. If it’s an odd number, you can water on odd days. But, you’re not allowed to water your lawns on any day between 12PM-5PM.

However if you live in the western acres near to the north of highway 16, you cannot water your lawns between 8AM-5PM.

Not following these rules could land you a $100 fine. (

It’s best to water your lawns early in the morning or in the evening when it’s cooler. During the day, water could evaporate due to heat and up to 50% of the water your used might not even reach your lawn.

These hot temperatures aren’t going to go away anytime soon, so it’s important to take care of your lawn and to follow water conservation rules. Remember, when the clock strikes 12, turn off your outdoor faucets or you could face a fine.

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