Photo Credit: Coastal GasLink

Coastal gas-link ends winter construction season at 87% completion.

Apr 29, 2023 | 10:07 AM

BRITISH COLUMBIA – The Winter construction season has ended, and the Coastal Gaslink project has released a progress report for the previous four months. The report claims 85% of all water crossings have been completed, 94% of the pipes have been welded, and 84% of all construction is completed. In total, 567 kilometers of pipe has been installed by 5500 workers along the route.

In addition to this, one of the lines trickiest segments up a dangerous stretch of terrain known as ‘The Headwall’ was completed.

Section one near Chetwynd, and section four near Vanderhoof are reporting 100% completion. Coastal gas-link says that the 100% completion mark does not include testing, cleanup, and reclamation efforts.

Section 3 near Prince George is reporting near completion with 100% of the route cleared, 96% of the grading complete, and 87% of the pipe installed. More than 1200 workers are currently stationed at Parsnip lodge for the final leg of construction.