Community forest for PG?
PRINCE GEORGE – Prince George exists in the middle of an enormous forest and this city’s mayor wants to act on that. He hopes to create a community forest.
“I would like to see the community forest large enough to go along with the other community forestry around this area. McBride, Mackenzie, Burns Lake. What we should be doing is putting all our resources together, to be able to attract some secondary manufacturer to add more value to the forest.”
There are a number of community forests in B.C. McBride has had a 60-thousand-hectare community forest since 2007. Even the College of New Caledonia has a community forest. It’s a good idea, according to the Forests Minister.
“I think the mayor has got the right idea of where you would locate a community forest in the Prince George region. I wouldn’t know offhand, but I think the strength of the community forest is they are linked, as the name implies, to the community,” says Bruce Ralston.