BC Conservative Leader calls on government to repeal UNDRIP
PRINCE GEORGE – The Conservative Party of BC says it’s time to repeal the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP).
The act requires the federal government to work in consultation and cooperation with Indigenous peoples but party leader John Rustad says the act was established for conditions in other countries – not Canada.
He also opposes the provincial government’s sweeping changes to BC’s Land Act, which he calls an assault on private property rights and our shared rights to use crown land.
“This is British Columbia and Canada. We are all Canadians. Our shared Crown Land belongs to us all. The BC Conservatives do not support the Eby NDP’s sweeping changes to BC’s Land Act. It is an assault on your private property rights and our shared rights to use Crown Land. Conservatives will defend your rights to outdoor recreation, and your water access, as well as BC’s mining, forestry, agriculture sectors and every other land use right British Columbians currently enjoy,” says Rustad.