Image Credit: Providence Living
long term care

What could Prince George’s newest long term care facility look like?

Apr 15, 2024 | 3:14 PM

PRINCE GEORGE — Back in November 2023, B.C. Minister of Health Adrian Dix made a visit to Prince George to announce that a new 200 bed long-term care facility would be coming and included in that facility will be a dementia village.

The province, Northern Health and Providence Living are partnering to create the facility and the operator of the facility, Providence Living has provided an update on what the new care home could look like. Jennifer Gibson, Executive Director of Quality, Practice & Program Development, Seniors Care for Providence Living says that “this care model shifts the focus from care to living and care, moving from scheduled routines that are largely influenced by institutional norms (such as when the kitchen has food ready) to flexible routines where the pace of the day is determined by the household members – in the same way most individuals decide the pace of their own days.”

The basis for the Prince George facility will be modeled on Providence Living’s two other facilities in Comox and Vancouver. Providence says “the Comox village will feature private rooms with en-suite bathrooms, household-style communal spaces, and an overarching commitment to person-centred care.”