Mental Health

A Saskatchewan social worker sets out on a cross-country ride to improve mental healthcare in Canada

May 17, 2024 | 2:17 PM

PRINCE GEORGE— On May 6, 2024, Jade Dulle stepped onto their bike in Prince Rupert ready to face a 7,000 km ride across Canada in support of mental health. a register social worker from Saskatchewan, Jade will be hearing the real stories of Canadians to learn how we can improve mental health care nationally.

“We’re fundraising for Canadian mental health associations across Canada, across the ten provinces that I’m going to be doing my master’s thesis on, and I’m going to be researching Canadians lived experiences with their mental health systems,” says Jade. “Based on that research, I will donate the money to the programs that need it the most, across the country”

The journey stems from Jade’s personal experience trying to access mental health care.

“When I went to the emergency room at 18 years old, you know, we are taught to trust the health system,” recounts Jade. “I went thinking my problems wouldn’t necessarily be resolved, but at least I’d be maybe admitted or heard or provided services that day. However, I was basically denied services, invalidated, told that I was too smart to be there and put on a waitlist for six months to a year. And when I did receive the treatment that I was promised, It didn’t even scrape the surface of what was needed.”

They add that they became a social worker to try and help others but faced barriers in providing service. Jade is hoping that through her ride she can shed light to these issues facing most Canadian’s and task the federal government with improving healthcare nationally.

You can follow Jade’s Ride for Mental Health on her website. You can also follow their social media for further updates.

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