
Keeping downtown clean and safe remains priority for Downtown PG organization

Jun 27, 2024 | 3:24 PM

PRINCE GEORGE — Downtown Prince George recently gave a presentation to city council to highlight what has taken in place in our downtown in 2023.

Executive Director of Downtown Prince George Colleen Van Mook says that in 2023 and in years past, certain programs have been ramped up. She says that their clean and safe programs “have definitely been ramped up, just needing to ensure that our downtown is taken care of in terms of litter and debris as we are faced with more situations of biohazard cleanup.”

In 2023, Downtown Prince George Clean & Safe Programs, cleaned up over 8300 needles and 4700 biohazards from the streets as well as over 5000 garbage bags.

Van Mook says that Downtown Prince George has seen a need to increase their budgets when it comes to dealing with debris and biohazard clean-up, but that they have “been able to partner with organizations like the PG Brain Injury Group and with the DART Society … who are helping us make sure that our downtown is clean and safe.”

Council also approved the 2024 budget for Downtown PG. The association operates under the Community Charter and a bylaw adopted by Council, with the current bylaw due to expire in March 2025. The association have asked Council to consider a 10-year term from 2025 to 2035 in their bylaw renewal proposal.

One thing that was emphasized to council was as an organization, Downtown Prince George is “here to promote the downtown businesses we actually represent, over 450 businesses.”

Downtown Prince George is celebrating 25 years in 2024 and they say they will continue advocating for the best possible enviroment for downtown.

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X: @AdamBerls


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