Photo Credit: Special Olympics BC - PG

Local Special Olympians ribbon in Smithers Track Meet

Jul 3, 2024 | 5:00 AM

PRINCE GEORGE— Eleven athletes from Prince George had the chance to compete in the 2024 Special Olympics BC Region Seven & Eight Athletics Regional Qualifier on June 29. The event, held in Smithers, featured a number of competitions including running, standing and running long jump, mini javelin, shot put and wheelchair events. The group consisted of new and seasoned athletes who were ready to compete for the chance to represent Prince George in the upcoming Provincial games being held in Prince George in 2025.

Every single Prince George athlete had the chance to stand on the podium for a wide range of disciplines including:

Ruth Caldwell earned first place in mini javelin and the 100 metre (m) and placed third for standing long jump and shot put.

Carla Caputo earned first place in the 800 m, 400 m, 200 m, mini javelin, and came second in 100 m and shot put.

Chase Caron came first in 100 m. Earned second place in running long jump and mini javelin and came third in shot put.

David Dunn came first place in 1500 m, 3000 m, running long jump, and second in the 800 m.

Tyler LeFebvre got first in 25 m wheelchair and 30 m wheelchair slalom. In addition, he earned second mini javelin and third shotput.

Audrey Nelson came first in mini javelin, shotput, 100 m and second in standing long jump.

Dallas Poole earned second in 100 m and third in 200 m and shot put.

Spencer Rourke placed first in 200 m and shot put, as well as, second in standing long jump.

Adam Spokes came first in running long jump and second in mini javelin and shot put.

Marinka VanHage earned first place in 100 m, second in 200 m and 400 m and third in shot put and mini javelin.

Randella Willier placed first in 200 m, standing long jump and shot put, and second in mini javelin.

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