Community Gardens take root in the community

Jul 5, 2024 | 3:41 PM

PRINCE GEORGE – Community Gardens are popping up all around the city after a number of incidents such as fire and floods, highlighted the precarious nature of access to fresh and fruits. And one particular garden is a slice of heaven, located near the Hudson’s Bay Nature Reserve.

“Well, we bought in the year 2000, and the lady we bought from was Valentino Goodwin, who inherited it from her folks who were Mr. and Mrs. Sokol, who came in from Pine View Area and established this as a place to grow vegetables and fruits,” explains Lynn Gilliard.

A condition of the sale was to keep the land as farmland. But the land produced so much, the Gilliards decided to portion out a section to open to the public.

Today, there are 72 plots at that location. But she and Pat Ellis, who oversees the gardens, it is not for the faint of heart.

“It’s a commitment. You can’t just plant your garden and walk away and expect that it’ll be there in full production a month from now because it needs weeding and watering here almost daily,” says Ellis.

“It’s not for the faint of heart, like Pat said, the gardeners here are very attentive to their plots,” says Gilliard. “That’s why some of them come available,” suggesting those who initially start with a plot get a little overwhelmed with the commitment.

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