Photo courtesy: BC Greens/Facebook

BC Green candidate nominated in Prince George area riding

Sep 4, 2024 | 10:01 PM

PRINCE GEORGE—The BC Green Party have announced their candidate for the Prince George-North Cariboo riding. Randy Thompson works for the City of Quesnel and has been a garlic farmer, producing a line of honey garlic hot sauces and seasing under the Name Oddball Garlic Co.

Thompson says that he’s always been a Green Party Member and wasn’t ready to admit it.

“I love the amazing diversity of life on this planet and it saddens and angers me that we are destroying the only place we can survive,” says Thompson. “It’s like punching holes in your life boat because the other guy in the boat will pay you per hole.”

Thompson says that while his interest is in foresty, having spent a decade as a logging truck driver, he care about all aspects of Green politics.