Photo courtesy: Canadian Press
Provincial politics

Conservative Party of BC unveils forestry strategy

Sep 14, 2024 | 5:58 PM

VANDERHOOF — The Conservative Party of BC has unveiled a plan that it believes will save the forestry sector in British Columbia.

Firstly, it says it will provide certainty for B.C.’s forest sector:

The Party says it will continue to ensure that nearly two-thirds of BC’s forested landscape will remain in its original forested state and will never see industrial-scale forestry activity.

It says the remaining forested landscape “will be managed to achieve supply chain stability in BC’s forest sector as well as to enhance biodiversity and ecological qualities.

The Party claims that the NDP’s constant policy changes make it impossible to invest in the sector, or even to maintain existing operations. This uncertainty needs to stop. The Conservative Party of BC will:

  • Define the land area that will be prioritized for the harvest of primary forest products.

“A healthy forest sector needs stability and predictability. This is achieved by defining an area dedicated to providing primary forest products.”

Enhancing Biodiversity:

The Conservative Party of BC will:

  • Define the land area that will be prioritized for meeting biodiversity goals, where sourcing forest products will be of secondary value.

“Combined with our parks and other forested areas, our balanced approach will allow industry to access an adequate and predictable supply of fibre, while protecting the ecological value of BC’s forests.

“Having flexibility within the management of these areas will allow BC to better manage forest health issues, including wildfire mitigation plus restoration and rehabilitation where needed.”

Modernizing Stumpage:

The Conservative Party of BC will:

  • Replace stumpage with a value-added end product tax.

“A value-added tax system will be instantaneously responsive to current market conditions, and it will encourage industry to get more value and jobs out of each log. Input credits will be created for higher-value products and better utilization of fibre: meaning the more a producer can do with the fibre, the more credits will be created.”


The Conservative Party of BC will:

  • Implement a “One Project, One Permit” process.

“One Project, One Permit” will significantly reduce costs to all parties (i.e. government, First Nations, and companies) and make it viable to invest in BC forestry again.


The Conservative Party of BC will:

  • Undertake a core review of all factors contributing to BC’s uncompetitive cost structure.
  • Support utilization of wood fibre for power generation and other secondary products.

“Encouraging the use of wood fibre in power generation and other secondary applications will create new revenue streams for the industry and government, protecting jobs and realizing the highest possible value per log.”

Valuing all Fibre:

The Conservative Party of BC will:

  • Change the annual allowable cut from a sawlog AAC to a fibre AAC.

“Tree waste from harvesting is often left behind in the forests to be piled and burned. While there is a need to leave woody debris behind to help with habitat values, BC should account for this fibre and value it.”

Landscape Management:

The Conservative Party of BC will:

  • To reduce the risk of catastrophic wildfires, re-introduce the option of using controlled burns for prevention and containment.
  • Maximize the use of wetter species within ecosystems historically dominated by wildfires – helping to keep wildfires on the ground and allow for more opportunities to stop wildfires from spreading. More diverse species mixes in specific areas will also enhance wildlife habitat value.
  • Implement more selective logging, fuel load management, and species mix in interface areas. The objective is to reduce the risk of catastrophic wildfires in areas adjacent to communities.
  • Focus harvesting on areas damaged by wildfires or forest health issues. By responding quickly, we can better-utilize the damaged fibre while doing the necessary work of rehabilitation and accelerated reforestation.
  • To create healthier habitats, the stop all aerial spraying of glyphosate.

Wildfire Management:

The Conservative Party of BC will:

  • Undertake a complete review of how wildfires are managed in BC.
  • Work with contractors and the private sector to empower them to be able to act quickly in response to emerging wildfire issues.
  • Provide local people and communities with training and equipment.
  • Ensure local volunteers and contractors are be able to call-in to support their efforts.
  • Work with universities to support the research and implementation of new technologies and methods for firefighting.

Labour and Contractor Support:

The Conservative Party of BC will:

  • Support workers and contractors through these difficult times and help to bridge people through the changes so they can continue to build a future in the forest sector.
  • As the forest sector revives, invest in workforce training for the forest sector, so British Columbians can access the expanded opportunities that will be created.

“As an emergency short-term measure, all types of supports will be considered to ensure workers and contractors are not forced to leave the industry. The revival of the industry will then be supported by investments in workforce training, education, and recruitment.”

In a statement, the party notes: “As a direct result of the NDP’s hostility to forestry, 9 major sawmills have closed in the past 18 months. This is what a sector in freefall looks like. It’s unacceptable for any industry to be attacked like this, especially one was integral to BC’s economic base as forestry.

“In this province, it’s impossible to be pro-worker while being anti-forestry. The NDP has failed this basic test, and has demonstrated particular contempt for rural British Columbians who are disproportionately harmed by deindustrialization of the sector.

“The Conservative Party of BC will work tirelessly to restore the health of BC’s forestry sector. We know time is of the essence: entire communities are in limbo under the NDP. And we will restore jobs and competitiveness while enhancing biodiversity, living-up to our duty as good stewards, and clearly defining conservation-primary areas – altogether, safeguarding a sustainable future for BC’s forests.”

Andrew Mercier, the BC NDP candidate in Langley-Willowbrook, issued the following statement in response to the plan:

“Forest workers remember that when John Rustad was in government, nearly 30,000 jobs were lost and dozens of mills were closed, as he shipped away raw logs and BC jobs.

When John Rustad was in government he failed to support forestry communities:

  • They ended measures to ensure that local trees supported local jobs
  • Did nothing to prepare the sector for clear fibre challenges or to support made-in-BC wood manufacturing
  • Completely failed to deliver on the same promise to streamline permitting

“Wildfires are becoming more frequent and destructive due to climate change. Effectively fighting wildfires also requires a modern and science-based approach. John Rustad’s rejection of climate science would leave communities more vulnerable and leave people at risk.”

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