BC Wildfire Service recaps fourth-worst fire season on record
KAMLOOPS — The BC Wildfire Service says it responded to 1,688 wildfires since April 1 of this year, which burned a little over a million hectares of land across the province during the 2024 wildfire season.
Most of the land burned – 810,876 hectares – was in the Prince George Fire Centre, where there were a total of 449 wildfires, 27 of which are still active and under control.
“It might have felt to some like it wasn’t as hectic as 2023, but many of our staff and crews probably did as many deployments as they did last year,” BC Wildfire Service Director of Provincial Operations Cliff Chapman said. “They probably spent as many days on the line or close to as many days on the line as they did in 2023.”
“The season itself, it started early. We knew it would. We knew we were coming out of the winter with drought. We knew we had a lot of fire on the landscape, in particular in the northeast of the Prince George Fire Centre,” Chapman added.