Bridget the cat hanging out
Furever Friends

Cold has brought more adoptable cats to the PG Humane Society

Feb 10, 2025 | 3:14 PM

PRINCE GEORGE— The Prince George Humane Society has seen a lot of cats come into their care, as good samaritans are catching strays and bringing them out of the cold. One such stray is Bridget.

The Humane Society says that Bridget is a friendly, playful animal and will make a great companion cat to any prospecting pet parent. They add that she still has plenty of kitten energy. However, the Humane Society is unsure of how she will be around other animals.

“I think she’s good with other cats,” says Piper James, an animal care attendant. “Unfortunately, we don’t really have a good testing system for whether or not they’re good with dogs.”

But being young, Piper says that Bridget still isn’t fully set in her ways and has time to get used to new surroundings.

Bridget has a spaying appointment on February 26 but you can adopt her now. If you are interested in this curious kitten, visit the PG Humane Society’s website to fill out an application.

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