B.C. man in close encounter with dolphin pod while shooting video with watercraft
SQUAMISH, B.C. — A British Columbia entrepreneur experienced a once-in-a-lifetime wildlife encounter this week when a pod of dolphins chased him down while he was shooting a video on his personal watercraft.
Jerry McArthur, founder and CEO of The HydroFlyer, designs and sells the electric surfboards that hover above the water and was on one in Howe Sound, north of Vancouver, with a friend on Monday when he noticed dolphins near by.
McArthur says he decided to give the dolphins “a wide berth” to avoid contact, but the animals noticed him and swam over.
The B.C. man says the HydroFlyer — essentially a personal hydrofoil — rises about a metre above the water when moving, and it allowed him to see about 20 dolphins swimming and jumping around him.