Helping Alberta

More B.C. firefighters to battle Alberta wildfire

Jun 2, 2019 | 9:41 AM

BRITISH COLUMBIA— The BC Wildfire Service is sending additional personnel to Alberta to help respond to an increasingly challenging wildfire situation.

137 personnel will be deployed tomorrow (June 3) and Tuesday, including:

  • 116 firefighters
  • one 21-person incident management team

The previous 267 personnel who were sent to Alberta in May will be concluding their 19-day deployment soon, returning to B.C. between June 6 and 8.

Personnel will also be deployed to the Yukon to assist with a wildfire threat there.

The request for assistance was made through the Canadian Interagency Forest Fire Centre, which co-ordinates the mutual sharing of firefighting resources between B.C. and other jurisdictions.

The BC Wildfire Service adds sufficient personnel and resources remain in B.C. to respond to any fire activity in the province.

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