transit bus
Transit denied. For now.

Transit expansion on hold

Jun 11, 2019 | 8:58 AM

“Let’s let this simmer for a while.”Those were the words of Councillor Terri McConnachie after a lengthy presentation from BC Transit about expanded services to local bussing by four thousand hours per year.

Transit had two options available for Council’s consideration. The first would see the four thousand hours split evenly between peak and non-peak hours. The cost would be $190,881 and the addition of another bus.

The second option would see all four thousand hours in peak hours. That would require the purchase of three buses and carries a bill of $265,881. It is the second option that BC Transit endorses as it would be “a significant move forward toward rapid transit” in the community and would get more people riding the bus.

But Councillor McConnachie was not the only councillor who was uncomfortable. Councillor Brian Skakun noted the bill is equal to a quarter of a percent increases to taxes. Other councillors had questions about possibility raising the fares to offset the costs, but Councillor Murry Krause was not in favour of that.

“I will not support fares increase. At this juncture, it’s the wrong thing to do.” BC Transit needs an answer from Council by the end of the month to get an order on buses by that time.

But Council wanted more information and sent the matter to its Finance and Audit Committee to hash out the impacts of the extended services, versus not.

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