Fraser Lyric Opera

Local singer Paige Marriott takes to stage in next month’s opera La Bohème

Jun 25, 2019 | 12:13 PM

PRINCE GEORGE–Sometimes great things come in small sizes and Paige Marriott is proof of that as soon as she sets foot on stage.

Paige has been taking voice lessons ever since she was young, “I’ve always wanted to sing,” she said to us in an on camera interview.

She studied Musical Theatre at Capilano University, is part of ‘Good Juju’ a local band and teaches voice aswell.

“It’s just kind of what I was meant to do.”

Marriott says that it has taken her years and years of practice to get to where she is now and to even discover that Opera was an option for her voice. For anyone looking to pursue a career in the arts, she has a piece of advice:

“It’s a long hard road, but despite all of the turmoil and pain that you might encounter, it’s always worth it…don’t stop believing in yourself.”

Marriott says that people might strike her as being shy when they first meet her, but getting up on stage gives her the opportunity to let them see her in a different element; where the lights are on her and her voice captivates anyone who listens. “It’s just kind of exciting to be able to show that side of myself.”

“She has worked so incredibly hard to go to school and work on her voice and we are so incredibly lucky to have her back here in Prince George to share her talents with us.” –Melanie Nicol, Artistic Producer, Fraser Lyric Opera

The show will make it’s debut in Prince George at Theatre Northwest from July 5-7, tickets are available for purchase here.

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