Willow Inn
Two properties in City's radar

Two properties targeted for clean up

Jun 26, 2019 | 11:46 AM

PRINCE GEORGE – Two properties were under fire at Council recently.The Willow Inn on Victoria Street and a private property on Blackburn Road were both under the microscope Monday night, with the City’s Bylaw Services Department describing how many police incidents and public complaints that have come forward on those properties.

Council has approved the final step in that process: The owners have to clean it up or the City will. In the case of the Willow Inn, Council pulled the business licence on April 29th, 2014 for a year with an order to clean up. The City says the owner failed to make any attempt to do so. On October 28, 2018, there was a fire causing significant damage to the structure. The City is suggesting demolition as the best recourse.

As for the property on Blackburn Road, the City got a complaint of an unsightly property on April 15, 2019 and notice was issued to the owner. No work had been done by May 29, 2019 when an inspection was done. That particular property has been the subject of 19 complaints. In that case, the City is looking at a clean up as opposed to demolition. The two property owners have until July 10th to appeal the orders and July 29th to clean up.