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mindful eating at work

TYH: How to eat mindfully at work

Jul 16, 2019 | 9:36 AM

I am always snacking at the office. I snack in the car on the way to interviews, at my desk when I’m trying to put a story together–ALL THE TIME!

I sometimes even find myself munching when I am not even hungry at all, and I know for a fact that I am not the only one. As a matter of fact, the fact you’re reading this means that you think you might be a muncher too, and that is O.K, no judgement here. This week I learned how to best deter myself from reaching for that unnecessary snack and appreciating my time with food.

We met with Erin Branco, a Clinical Dietitian for Northern Health who has recently written an article on Mindful Eating in the workplace. She stresses the fact that taking breaks are essential when trying to be mindful of what we eat in the workplace so that we don’t end up reaching for snacks which may lead to “the sense that eating is really not important.”

Put that phone down step away from your desk and take 15-20 minutes to just eat. Recharge, relax and really focus on your eating.–Erin Branco, Clinical Dietitian for Northern Health

Branco says that she understands that people might be busy at work, but highlights that taking that extra time with your food might make you feel full longer. “If you’re really not able to take the 15-20 minutes, right away, take it in another half an hour. Things at work can generally wait 15-30 minutes.”

Listening to your hunger queues is another important step, she mentions using a scale( from starving to pant bursting full) to gauge how hungry you are before your meal, in the middle and at the end to ensure that you are satisfied, but not stuffed.

According to an article on the Harvard medical School Website the practice of mindful eating stems from the Buddhist concept of mindfulness.

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