Ave Maria launches U-fill station

Ave Maria launches zero-waste station in attempt to boot out single-use plastics

Aug 27, 2019 | 12:18 PM

PRINCE GEORGE–Those attempting to reduce their waste may rejoice over the news of a new zero-waste way to fill up on cleaning, and personal care items.

Ave Maria launched their U-fill station on Friday, Aug.23, offering an assortment of cleaning and personal care items, in an attempt to deter people from using single-use plastics. Shampoo, conditioner, body wash, laundry detergent, dish soap and multi-purpose household cleaner are all part of the station.

Claire Keehn who works at Ave Maria says that the plan for the U-fill station was one that was collectively thought of by staff members, “It kind of came to our attention that bulk was becoming a big thing with this whole zero-waste movement,” she said to us on an on-camera interview, “so we (brought) in this way to cut out single use plastics.”

According to Ave Maria staff the U-fill station is much more economical than purchasing a new bottle off the shelf.

Customers bring in their own re-fillable container, weigh it, fill it, and re-weigh it in order to properly be charged for the item. Keehn also mentions that the products bought through the U-fill station are significantly cheaper than purchasing a brand new bottle, “with most of them (the products) it’s a good three to four dollars cheaper.”

REAPS Executive Director Terri McClymont is a fan of the idea and says that “it’s great that we’re getting on board with this (zero-waste movement)” and that “recycling is not the alternative,” according to her the use of plastic is way too common and is “detrimental” to the environment, “if we look back at the three R’s, the first one is reduce.” She says we mustn’t rely on recycling, but instead attempt to create less waste.

Keehn says she hopes this will motivate people to do something better for the environment. Ave Maria is believed to be the first health food store in Prince George to offer a zero-waste U-fill station, however bulk-barn does offer zero-waste alternatives as well.

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