All Clear

Wildfire season is all but done

Aug 30, 2019 | 3:12 PM

PRINCE GEORGE – With a wetter than normal summer, the BC Wildfire Service says the risk of a forest fire has all but gone up in smoke.

Fire information Officer Forrest Tower says there are no bans in place this long weekend, but cautions against making poor decisions with your campfire.

“There’s still the potential for small, human-caused to be an issue, we’re not going to be at a point of large out-of-control fires.” However, he adds, if you are heading south, it’s another story and travellers are encouraged to check for status updates.

Ironically, this is the most prepared for wildfire the City of Prince George has ever been, after conducting things like table top evacuation exercises, public open houses, training emergency social service volunteers to help with evacuee registrations, etc.