BC's attempts to keep Indigenous languages alive

Keeping Indigenous languages alive: New exhibits at the Exploration Place

Sep 12, 2019 | 7:30 AM

PRINCE GEORGE–The Exploration Place will be home to two new exhibits aimed at demonstrating how Indigenous languages are being preserved.

Our Living Languages: First peoples Voices in BC, travelling exhibit will provide information on what communities throughout the province are doing to help 34 different languages survive and flourish.

“As part of reconciliation efforts, stimulating and facilitating the connection to Indigenous language is a roll we are embracing,” said Museum Curator, Alyssa Leier. “As part of our efforts to help preserve an increasingly endangered language, we are working on several initiatives including working with the Lheidli T’enneh on the digitization of a large collection of oral histories spoken in the Lheidli dialect of Dakelh. These are invaluable sources of cultural knowledge and it is critical that they are preserved. This exhibit showcases this kind of work and the urgency it requires.”

The original exhibition was developed in partnership with the First Peoples’ Cultural Council and is a permanent fixture on the 3rd floor of the Royal BC Museum in Victoria. The second exhibit, Mary Gouchie:Hubodulh’eh, will showcase one Lheidli T’enneh Elder’s commitment to revitalizing languages.