Leaders link up with their political families for Day 3 of federal campaign

Sep 13, 2019 | 9:09 AM

OTTAWA — The Conservatives, NDP and Greens return to their national tours today after an evening spent sparring in Toronto, while Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau picks up his campaign in Quebec.

Trudeau is scheduled to make two stops in the province before ending with a rally in his Montreal hometown.

Green Leader Elizabeth May is also heading back to family — joining her new husband, and fellow candidate, John Kidder for an event in the B.C. riding where he’s seeking a seat.

And it’s back into the NDP family fold for leader Jagmeet Singh as well, who campaigns in Toronto before ending the day with a pizza party at the home of Olivia Chow, the former NDP MP and widow of the party’s beloved former leader Jack Layton.