
High gas prices leave lasting mark on transportation industry

Jun 14, 2022 | 4:41 PM

PRINCE GEORGE- As Gas prices continue to go up around the country, the transportation industry will continue to suffer.

Gas has been headline news for what seems like forever, and most people heading to the pump can expect to see triple digits when filling up their tanks. In Lee Fry and Larry’s heavy haulings case, it’s ten times worse.

“It’s gone up 31% in the last six months. It’s costing us about $36 an hour or more now for an average load, and that goes up as the whole heavier stuff so we can burn up, you know, 500 litres easily in a day. And that that’s over $1,000.” Says President of Larry’s Heavy Hauling, Lee Fry.

While these hefty prices at the pump are affecting business owners like lee, they also affect the familes of those driving the trucks.

“The trucking industry gets hit two ways, that the cost to the consumer of what they want goes up because it costs companies more to bring it here. So costs go up.” Says Charles Scott, Director of business development for Hub Space, “if your product costs go up more than your competitors because you have to travel a further distance on them, you lose market share.”

Lee also told CKPG news that his company has not been able to offer much regarding wage increases due to high gas prices.

“People are going to need cost of living increases, and it’s a very competitive business out there. So other industries better able to compete with this are taking employees out of the areas that would normally drive a truck.”

Other truck drivers shared that up to 50% of their company profits now go directly to filling up trucks with gas.

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