Salmon carcasses found in Cottonwood Island Park
PRINCE GEORGE – It was a gruesome site at the boat launch in Cottonwood Island Park.
The Spruce City Wildlife Association was running a children’s camp and stumbled upon fish carcasses at the boat launch. There are between seventy and a hundred carcasses there. The Conservation Officer Service and DFO’s Observe Record Portline have been called in. But the implications of this are far-reaching.
“So there are handful issues, one being that if those fish are from the local area, there’s a significant number of amount of poaching,” says Dustin Snyder, President of the SCWA. “That was obviously happening because Sockeye is closed up here. Aside from that, if those sockeyes were legally harvested somewhere else if you dump them in this watershed and they’re from a different watershed or even a different part of the watershed, there’s a huge potential for disease transfer.”
Plus he adds, there is the obvious concern.