Photo Credit: Mohamed Shubair
Isreal-Hamas Conflict

A rally in support of Palestine to be held on Saturday outside CN Centre

Oct 25, 2023 | 11:24 AM

PRINCE GEORGEā€”A pro-Palestine rally is scheduled for this Saturday (October 28) in front of the CN Centre. The event is to raise awareness and provide advocacy for the Palestinian civilians that are being hurt, injured, and killed by the current events in Gaza.

Ahmed Shubair is one of the organizers who has family living in Gaza and is worried about the increasing violence toward civilians during the Isreal/Hamas conflict.

Therefore, my own belief is that what is happening at the moment is an atrocity against all of humanity, not just any singular side or particular group of people. I hope that more of us in the Western world can open ourselves up to that perspective, as many unfortunately do not. I have a more desperate hope, however. I urge the Canadian government to convince its allies in the Israeli government to call for an immediate ceasefire. My voice is singular but it must be heard. It will be heard in the rally: the Canadian government has a responsibility to promote equality, and thusly peace, in Israel-Palestine. I pray for all who have been neglected by the rest of the world. I pray for humanity.

Ahmed Shubair