The Search and Rescue building in Prince George
Search and Rescue

Search and Rescue urges safety with May Long Weekend coming up

May 16, 2024 | 4:51 PM

PRINCE GEORGE – May Long Weekend is coming up, which has many excited to hit the outdoors after staying indoors for winter. While there’s no harm in enjoying a hike, bike ride, or other outdoor activities, Prince George Search and Rescue (PGSAR) urges you to stay safe so you can properly enjoy the weekend.

“Make sure you’re prepared for what you what you’re doing. Check your equipment, check your gear, check your vehicles. If you’re using recreational vehicles, make sure there’s good working order and then leave a trip plan with people,” says PGSAR Search and Rescue Manager Dave Merritt.

Merritt explains May Long Weekend is one of the busiest times of the year for Search and Rescue, which is largely due to the fact that people are eager to get out for the first time all year. Even if you’re experienced in the outdoors, Merritt explains many incidents can be freak accidents, so you should always be prepared and let people know where you’re going.

“In a short day hike, everybody assumes things are going to go perfect. (But) you could you could slip and break an ankle, break a leg, you can get disoriented, step off the trail. Trail markers may have disappeared over the winter, hadn’t been replaced yet. If you’re using your phone as a navigation tool, make sure it’s fully charged. Carry a spare battery so that you avoid those little problems that we see regularly, which is getting lost, little slips, trips and falls and cuts,” he said.