Nadleh Quilts

Handmade quilts part of the ceremonies at Nadleh Whut’en

Jun 24, 2024 | 1:38 PM

NADLEH WHUT’EN – As part of National Indigenous Peoples’ Day celebrations, the Fraser Lake Quilters Guild will be gifting thirty handmade quilts to honour residential school survivors at the Charlie Nooski Memorial Park. The initiative is the result of Terry Luggi, Indian Residential School Project Manager’s connection with Linda Nooski around the Nadleh Whut’en Whuz Noolh’en Project.

“I am intimately aware of the harms caused by the Lejac Indian Residential School” said Terry Luggi.“Honouring witnesses with gifts is a Dakelh way. Blankets are also an integral part of being Yinka Dene. Witnessess will be blanketed as part of acknowledging them and thanking them for sharing their truth. I am happy with the Quilters work to help us blanket survivors who share their stories and help keep our traditions flowing throughout this entire process,” she concluded.