
All-candidates forum to take place at UNBC

Oct 8, 2024 | 5:35 AM

PRINCE GEORGE — Voters will have the chance to hear from candidates in the three Prince George area ridings at a candidate debate at UNBC Wednesday night (Oct.9).

The debate will be focused on nature and climate and will take place at the Weldwood Lecture Theatre (Room 7-238). It will be hosted by UNBC students and the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society, British Columbia (CPAWS-BC).

“Recent polling shows the vast majority of voters support more protected areas on land and in the ocean with strong support among all major parties. It’s important for voters in Prince George to hear how their candidates intend to address their concerns about nature and climate,” says Eden Luymes, Youth Engagement Coordinator at CPAWS-BC.

So far in the Prince George-Mackenzie riding, the NDP’s Shar McCrory has confirmed her attendance, along with James Steidle of the BC Green Party and independent Rachael Weber. For Prince George-North Cariboo, Independent Coralee Oakes and Randy Thompson of the BC Green Party, have confirmed their attendance.

“Youth are the future. With voter rates declining, we must prioritize informed voting amongst our youth! Environmental issues are becoming more and more prominent every day. It is crucial that we as a society begin to shift to a more ecocentric view, and demand change and protection for the environment from our government leaders,” says Madi Tokarchuk, a local participant in the Young Leaders in Conservation Program who will be co-hosting the debate.

Doors will open at 6:15 pm, with the event starting at 6:30 pm. Attendees are encouraged to reserve a seat via Eventbrite, as only a limited number of seats will be held for walk-ins.

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